Wednesday, May 6, 2015

messing with my moral smugness

Arriving uninvited on my computer screen this morning were two more indicators of how blissfully-unaware I can be ... just plain ignorant about the world in which I live, in this case, instances of a smug cruelty that is so outrageous that I simply don't stop to consider it.

1. A sixty-six-year-old Nebraska woman, in a neatly-written complaint, is suing "all homosexuals." She identifies herself as the "ambassador" on Earth for plaintiffs "God and His Son, Jesus Christ." The complaint alleges the accused are breaking "religious and moral laws" and need to be called to account.

2. And then there is the video game developer who fashioned an exercise that invited players to "shoot" LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) people.

My mind is so neatly tucked-in to the moral parameters I allow myself to live with that this world-gone-mad approach simply doesn't occur to me ... or if it does, I allow myself a smug horror and pass on.

1 comment:

  1. We see quite a lot of this in the transgender chat room where i moderate, directly from assaults by haters and indirectly from horror stories exchanged. Politics will never people proof life, but it is the playing field from which we seek protections.
